About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.

What’s Old is Now New Again!

Working well together on yet another project, the Historical Society of Riverton and the Riverton Free Library have completed arranging and cataloging the library’s archives. For details of this part of the Society’s ambitious undertaking see the latest Gaslight News, October 2021, page 3.

This important retrospective ensures that our library’s documents and memorabilia can be used for research with an online outline of the contents of the collection. That outline will become available among an online collection once all the other areas of the HSR are cataloged. However, you can get a sneak preview by clicking on the Finding Aid link to see our own collection’s details.

Congratulations to Our New Web Manager!

The Riverton Free Library would like to say a special congratulations to our Web Intern, Emily Terifay, for recently successfully completing her M.A. in Library information Sciences at Clarion University! Emily has also received a B.S. in Business Administration from Old Dominion University and her Associate of Science from Tidewater Community College. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful new addition to our RFL Team!  Congratulations, Emily!!
Kim Paulsen, President of the Riverton Free Library Association & its Board of Trustees


Historical Society of Riverton & Our Library

Headed by Keith Betten and Iris Gaughan of the Historical Society of Riverton, they have been hard at work coordinating volunteers to catalog the HSR Archives.  Of course, this includes what was already within the HSR collection as well as adding newly-found gems that had not made it into the collection.  The goal is make the collection available online once this project is completed.

One recent addition is a photo that was found in the “old basement” of the library.  This must be an early photo of the library — note that a rhododendron on the left has yet to be planted, yet the name above the door proudly displays the original name of the building — Edward H. Ogden Memorial Building, named after Riverton’s first mayor.  Our first library building was donated by his widow, Sarah Morris Perot Ogden.  For more history of our library check out our History page.

Best Books of 2020

Looking for another great, recent book to read?  Why not check out the lists from The New York Times and National Public Radio?

The Times article is entitled The 10 Best Books of 2020, featuring adult fiction and nonfiction. NPR’s Best Books fo 2020 is on their Book Concierge site which enables you to review 2,500 books through filters, such as art lovers, book club choices, comic & graphic novels, young adult books — 33 different opportunities to choose the perfect book for yourself!  Happy reading!

Annual Board Meeting of the Riverton Free Library Association

The Annual Meeting, followed by a Regular Meeting, of The Riverton Library Board of Trustees, will convene on January 25, 2021, at 7:30 p.m.

Due to the fluid situation concerning public gatherings in relation to COVID, President Kimberly Paulsen will contact Board members as the date of the meeting nears, regarding ZOOM options and information.