Unique in Burlington County, we are both a library that is managed by a not-for-profit volunteer association as well as a branch of the Burlington County Library System

The web site is proudly sponsored by the Riverton Free Library Association

Check out what’s new!

They Very Long Book Group

Ready to get involved with a book long-term? Join us as we tackle 500+ pagers together, in real life-compatible installments of a couple hundred pages at a time. We are currently reading Olga Tokarczuk’s Nobel Prize-winning epic The Books of Jacob. This month we will be discussing Book I.: The Book of Fog and Book II.: The Book of Sand (pgs. 961-708). Stop by Riverton Library for a copy while supplies last.

The Very Long Book Group will meet on Tuesday, January 21st from 6:30 to 7:30 pm!

Audience: Adult, Emerging Adult
Type: Book Club

Parenting and Paperbacks

Want to chat with other parents about the parenting book you just read? Are you looking for a place to discuss the joys and difficulties of raising kids? Join us for Parenting and Paperbacks!

We will be talking about a specific topic, and you are invited to read a book (or two) and come ready to add to the conversation. If you don’t have the opportunity to read a book, come for the discussion anyway!

For this meeting, we’ll be talking about discipline. Books on this topic include The Positive Discipline books; Tiny Humans, Big EmotionsHigh Five DisciplineGood InsideNo Drama DisciplineRaising Good Humans123 MagicRaising Securely Attached Kids; and Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide.

We welcome kids to come along with their grownups. We’ll lay out some toys, but you are responsible for your child while in the library.

This event will be on Friday January 17th from 10:30 to 11:30 pm!

Audience: Kids, Babies & Toddlers, Family
Type: Book Club, Sensory Play

Book Sales

The Riverton Free Library will be having its book sales on Saturdays in January.

The Book Sale will be on the dates listed below from 1 to 3 pm!

  • January 11th
  • January 18th
  • January 25th

All proceeds from this book sale will be going to the Museum Passes and other items needed by the Library!