A Coloring Book & COVID

Image thanks to Piklist

A group of clever high school students created a school project that got published.  The Washington Post covered this group of entrepreneurs who, with information from the CDC, made a kid-friendly coloring book about the novel corona virus.

The article states: “Anyone who orders a book is given the option to donate 40 percent of the $5 sales price to a suggested charity or to write in a charity of their choice. Rogers said most donations have gone to coronavirus relief efforts, the Miller Children’s and Women’s Hospital and the Black Lives Matter movement.”

What can $5 do to help kids learn and help others at the same time?  Why not take a look!

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About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.