How to Explain Racism to Your Kids

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Great literature can help create new ideas and meaningful conversations.  Need some help discussing difficult topics?  This is a reposting of an article from June 2nd, 2020 The New York Times entitled These Books can Help You Explain Racism and Protest to Your Kids.  The book list that they list in their article includes the Ezra Jack Keats’s classic, The Snowy Day, as well as a lovey, new book entitled Hair Love, about a black father learning to care for his daughter’s hair for the first time.  Also included is the award-winning Last Stop on Market Street.

Check them out!

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About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.