You Count, and You Count, and You Count . . .

We all count!  Especially for this US Census.

According the the US Census website:

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

There are NO citizenship questions on the form, they never ask for money, and offer language support — so get started by visiting their site, or by answering by phone or mail.  Be counted!


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About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.