The Minutes of their September 7th meeting.
At this time the following are committees and committee chairs:
- Membership…Karen Healey
- Liaison to Library Board…Janice Papenberg
- Used book sale…Janice Papenberg
- Garden…Jan DeVries
- Publicity…Joyce Sico
- Web site and web information…Pat Solin
- Treasure…Pat Brunker [treasury balance: $1,932.89]
- Projects: There was talk about purchasing additional Library Museum Passes
- Events: The Friends will sponsor a spring “cocktail” theme party. Suggested possible dates: April 21, 2018…possible place: Sacred Heart School. Needed: a chair and volunteers. Theme: An Arbor Day tie in [the town of Riverton will host the New Jersey state Arbor Day celebration on April 27, 2018.]
- Riverton town holiday celebration on December 2, 2017: Friends will sell cookies in the Library. The Historical Society will decorate the Library.
Updated: 23 Sep 2017
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