Friends of the Riverton Free Library

Artwork thanks to Christian Ancker.

All are welcome to the next meeting of the Friends of the Riverton Free Library, to be held on Thursday, September 7th at 7 PM, in the adult fiction section of the library.

The RFL Friends have a long history of supporting our small but mighty library.  They are responsible for fundraising events, such as the Candlelight House Tour and the Cocktail Social, as well as other fun projects that enhance our building

They are setting this year’s agenda and hope you and any of your friends or acquaintances can join us.


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About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.