The Riverton Free Library Association held its first meeting of the year on Monday, January 25th. A summary of the meeting is below, written by board secretary, Bea Horn.
- The Annual Meeting was called to order by in-coming President Kimberly Paulson, who read the President’s Message from out-going President Karen Healey.
- Kim announced two new Board members: Jen Wilburn and Felicia McCamy. Candidates for the slate of Board officers were announced and the following officers were elected: President Kimberly Paulsen, Vice-President Cathy Martin, Secretary Beatrice Horn, Treasurer Susan Bye.
- A budget for 2016, was presented by out-going Treasurer Eleanor Paladino. After discussion, the proposed budget was passed.
- A Regular Meeting immediately followed, and was called to order by President Kim Paulsen.
- Director Michael Robinson announced we still need at least one more volunteer to work at the Sunday “Used Book Sale”. He also asked that we designate our ADA entry ramps and bathrooms, with signs. Our combined program with the Historical Society of Riverton was met with a positive response, and future programs will be offered.
- Our annual cocktail party will be held Saturday, May 7, at Sacred Heart Gym..This year’s theme is Cinco do Mayo, and should be lots of fun! We will also plan to bring back our Holiday House Tour early in December. These are our two major fundraisers.
- Our major projects this year are much-needed, costly, capital expenses for our building. (We are members of the Burlington County Library System, but we are responsible for our building.) This year we will undertake replacing our roof and painting the exterior. Work will be underway soon, so when you see the improvements to our library, you will also see the much appreciated contributions to our Annual Appeal put to excellent use.
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