Treat Yourself to a New Read — Rainbow 2

This, the fourth in her series of book reviews, library staff member, Nancy Fort shares more book titles that readers might just want to check out!

booksRead a Rainbow…part 2.
I heard about Eleanor and Park while taking an online class last year. Several of my classmates were talking about the young adult book so I put it on my list to read. It is a moving story of two teenagers who fall in love but face challenges both at school and at home that threaten their relationship. The novel has won numerous awards and was a New York Times Bestseller. I was so enamored with the characters in this book that I searched for other books by the author, Rainbow Rowell. I have since read Attachments and Landline and have not been disappointed. Rowell writes characters that could be your neighbor or co-worker and often somebody that you would like to have as a friend. She often sets her stories in the late 1980’s to mid 1990’s, the time of my own adolescence, which lends a little more fun to the narrative for me. I enjoy remembering the time before cell phones when advanced technology was a mix tape and a Sony Walkman. If you want to take a little reminiscent journey of your own, try these books.

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About Pat Solin

Patricia Smith Solin worked with her son, Michael, on creating posts and maintaining the technical aspects of the RFL Association website & Facebook posts. She was the school librarian for 10 years at Riverton Public School (NJ) and contributes articles for the Gaslight News, the official publication of the Historical Society of Riverton.