Art Journaling with Dressler Smith

In this class, students will learn how to keep an art journal, how to transfer their creative ideas onto paper and how to incorporate engaging prompts along with fundamental art techniques. Some of these techniques will include blind contour drawing, the relationship of color and the use of varied media such as watercolors and collage. The theme of this class will focus on the seasons, and students will be encouraged to draw inspiration from their personal lives and experiences. No experience is necessary to join this class.

This event will be o Thursday 1/18 from 6:30 to 8pm.

Please note:

  • Registration is required.
  • Supplies will be provided, but students are encouraged to bring their own art journal (9×12 or 11×14 is suggested) and any other inspirational supplies they wish to use.

You can register by clicking the register link below.


Audience: Adult Seniors
Type: Arts and Crafts
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About Emily Terifay

Hi! My name is Emily Terifay. I am a current student at Clarion University and studying to become a Librarian. I love books and reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also have a mini library at my house and I add more books to it at least every two months. I also have two guinea pigs, Timothy and Lemon who are adorable, if not a little annoying at times.