Riverton Readers Book Share: Scary Stories

This event will be on Monday, October 17th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Join us for this informal book share, where we talk about what we’ve been reading lately. This month we invite you to choose any book or media in the horror, paranormal, or suspense genre to discuss with the group. Not a fan of spooky stories? Fall or family themes work too. It’s a great way to share your interests and collect reading recommendations from others!|

Audience: Adult Seniors
Type: Book Club
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About Emily Terifay

Hi! My name is Emily Terifay. I am a current student at Clarion University and studying to become a Librarian. I love books and reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also have a mini library at my house and I add more books to it at least every two months. I also have two guinea pigs, Timothy and Lemon who are adorable, if not a little annoying at times.