Chapter Chat Book Club

Chapter Chat is a read-together group for folks 17 and older who have intellectual disabilities. This group will meet on a weekly basis for the time it takes to read a book together aloud. We will choose our book selections as a group. Ideally, you will be able to attend meetings every week until we finish the book.

At the event, we will take turns reading aloud from the book. You can read aloud as much or as little as you like, or you can just listen! This is not a reading instruction class: instead, we read together to socialize and share the experience of reading a good book.

This group is limited to ten participants.  Please call Riverton Library at 856-829-2476 for more information.

This event will be on Monday, August 19th from 2:30 to 3:30 pm.

Please register using the link below.


Audience: Adult, Emerging Adult, Young Adult
Type: Book Club
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About Emily Terifay

Hi! My name is Emily Terifay. I am a current student at Clarion University and studying to become a Librarian. I love books and reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also have a mini library at my house and I add more books to it at least every two months. I also have two guinea pigs, Timothy and Lemon who are adorable, if not a little annoying at times.