I See Magic

Join magician and entertainer Doug Wonder as he invites you into his world of magic and illusion. Watch objects vanish and float, be part of the magic, and experience the wonder in this family-friendly show filled with laughter and fun!

This event will be on Thursday June 27th from 11 am to 12:30 pm.

Please note, registration is required.


Audience: Tweens Kids Family
Type: Performance
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About Emily Terifay

Hi! My name is Emily Terifay. I am a current student at Clarion University and studying to become a Librarian. I love books and reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also have a mini library at my house and I add more books to it at least every two months. I also have two guinea pigs, Timothy and Lemon who are adorable, if not a little annoying at times.