Comedy Wildlife Photography

Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures on the Land Award: Ninja Prairie Dog! (in the United States).
© Arthur Trevino/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

NPR’s Rachel Triesman, wrote an article about the comedy wildlife photography winners of this year. These photos will bring a smile to your face. From the bird with a leaf in his face to a derpy-looking fish. The photographers have truly captured wildlife at their funniest moments.

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About Emily Terifay

Hi! My name is Emily Terifay. I am a current student at Clarion University and studying to become a Librarian. I love books and reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also have a mini library at my house and I add more books to it at least every two months. I also have two guinea pigs, Timothy and Lemon who are adorable, if not a little annoying at times.